Roots with brown spots
Hi There!
I'm trying to figure out what is going on with my Phalaenopsis and fix it before things get worse. The exposed roots at the top of the potting material (which is bark) are getting brown spots. I'm not sure if this indicates over or under watering, or something else entirely. It's been very hot here recently and I don't want to kill it by not giving it enough water, but everything I've read says it's better to underwater it. The roots inside the potting material seem to be doing fine.
AnswerThank you for the question and the pictures Kristin. Aerial orchid roots (in this case outside of the pot) tend to form an outer layer of tissue to prevent or reduce fluid loss from these roots that are exposed to the air. Orchid root rot, characterized by collapse of the outer cell layer on the root (ie velamin) causes roots to become "mushy" and die. Fortunately, you do not have the latter. What you have is normal. When the plant has finished flowering, you should repot it to a larger pot in fresh orchid potting mix. During this repotting, you should attempt to place these roots into the pot before adding potting mix. I have found that the best way to do this is to rotate the pot while inserting the plant into the pot. The roots will tend to follow the interior contour of the pot and reduce root damage during the repotting process.