QUESTION: Hi Wayne King.
Attached is my cattleya photo. I notice some circle like sucking spot on new leaf of new shoot. There is no pest in my growing area.
Last time I trimmed off new shoot coz of this unkown porblem, now again I found it.
Could you pls help me what is happening to my cattleya & how to prevent this from further spread?
Nwe Lay
ANSWER: To begin to assess this, I would need a magnified view of the leaf showing the spotting. For example are these areas depressed? It appears that the spotting occurs very early in the developing tissue because the later growth seems to be okay. Are these spots confined to the dorsal leaf surface or on both dorsal and ventral?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Cattelya Leaf
QUESTION: Hi Wayne King,
These spots confined to dorsal leaf surface only.
I've attached the closed up of the leaf.
Nwe Lay
AnswerNwe, thanks for the enlarged picture. The pattern of spots suggests that this damage was done before the leaf expanded. The fact that the spotting is at the tip of the leaf also suggests an early damage. Can't really pin down what caused the damage but the fact that the damage is limited and not continuing means I wouldn't be concerned.