image 0072
QUESTION: At first my orchid only produced a few strappy leaves which died down and then it flowered, but this time the leaves have shot up into tall rosettes.
I believe it is a pleione.
Unfortunately I think it has a disease because the leaves are striped and mottled.Could this be causing the foliage to behave in this way?.
Thank you.
ANSWER: Kathleen, thaanks for the picture. It would have been nice to have a picture of the flower. I doubt that this is a pleione since the latter are short and have few to no leaves. I wonder how you gained the impression that this is an orchid, much less a pleione. It is not uncommon for plants to get mislabelled.
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pleione formanosa
QUESTION: sorry Wayne but I forgot to include the picture of the pleione.
ANSWER: Kathleen, the leaf growth for this plant is indeed most peculiar. Is there any chance that the plant I see in the background could have propogated itself in the poting mix? If this growth is indeed coming from the same growth that bore the flower, it should produce a number of new bulbs for planting next time. There are a few pleione hybrids that have variegated leaves. See if you can push back some of the potting mix, without disturbing the bulb, and confirm that this growth is coming from the bulb.
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IMG 0076
QUESTION: Wanyne:The plant in the background is a Cymbidium.
I am sending a picture of my plant and I have pushed back the soil as you suggested showing the stalk coming out of the top of the bulb and another from a smaller bulb at the side.The lower leaves are dying off but the stalks are still looking healthy.Kathleen.
AnswerSince I don't specialize in pleiones, why don't you try Paul Cumbleton in the UK. His E-mail is
[email protected]. Paul has a lot of experience with pleiones and with growing them in the UK. Perhaps you could share your picturesswith him. Sorry I can't be of more help.