QuestionI bought a Phalaenopsis Orchid with a purple center for a friend for Valentines Day. It sits on the kitchen table for morning sunlight, the thermostat is set on 68 degrees. After about two weeks, the blooms wilted and fell off. Is this supposed to happen, what should we do now, and when can we expect the blooms to return?
AnswerKaren, I assume the plant was in bloom when you received it. If so, there is no knowing how long it was in flower before you received it. That it was in flower for two weeks after you received it sounds fine. Phalaenopsis normally rebloom annually about the same time each year. If the old flower spike stays green it might still send off branches with a few more buds. However, I recommend that you repot the plant to provide the best possible environment for new growth. You will need to purchase some fresh orchid potting mix and wet it while you unpot your plant. Rinse off the roots and remove any that are mushy. Then you can repot with fresh orchid potting mix into a plastic pot with lots of drainage holes. Unlike other house plants, orchids should be repotted in the special potting mix after each flowering. Also unlike other house plants, they prefer a potting mix that allows both air and water to move freely through the potting mix and don't like to remain wet. The morning sunlight and temperature seem suitable.