phal leaf
QUESTION: My "Martha Stewart Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant" arrived from on February 10th with these few white raised bumps on one of the leaves. What could it be?
ANSWER: Sanny, see if they will come off using a q-tip soaked in isopropyl (ie rubbing) alcohol. If they are soft and cottony and can be removed using the q-tip, they are mealy insects. Mealy insects are sucking insects and reproduce rapidly so remove every one you can see using this method, Look especially under leaves and in leaf crevices. You may need to repeat this process in the future as there may be eggs present that still can hatch.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for your quick response. I already tried rubbing the leaf with alcohol the other day, but nothing budged. The bump is actually hard.
AnswerThat is good news. See if there is an entry hole on the underside of the leaf opposite the bump. If so, it suggests that an insect has punctured it, but no cause for concern. If there is nothing noticeable on the underside, this probably is just an abnormal growth of tissue and is benign.