QuestionI live in S. FL and just bought my first orchid. My daughter and I saw this sick little Phalaeonopsis that needed help so we decided to see if we can bring it back to life. It has only 3 leaves, which are wilted and wrinkled. The flower spike is about 13 inches tall and has 2 dying flowers still on it. The plant is potted in a clear plastic pot in a clay pot. The roots look wet and soggy. What can we do to save our little friend?
Thank you, Melissa and Lexi
AnswerMelissa and Lexi, you need to repot your precious little gem. Locate some fresh orchid potting mix and soak it while unpotting your plant. Rinse off the roots and remove any that are mushy keeping only those that are firm and turn green when wet. You probably can repot to the same pot with fresh orchid potting mix. After inseting the roots, fill the pot with the fresh, if wet, orchid potting mix and set aside to drain. You may move the plant into its growing area and water once per week. The number and state of the healthy roots will give you an idea about the chances of recovery. Very often, problems with leaves are traced back to root rot which occurs because the old potting mix has broken down and remains too wet. Good of you to rescue this plant but, be aware, that it will make a slow comeback and will be a challenge. If it survives you should see new root and leaf growth in about a month. You could still lose one or more of the wrinkled leaves. Do not remove the flower spike as long as it remains green.