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Dendrobium blooming

Last January I bought a Dendrobium Banana in full bloom from three shoots but also had many side shoots not in bloom.  After the blooms dropped off I have had a lot of new growth from side shoots but no new growth from the two or three shoots that had the blooms.  Is this normal and do these older shoots bloom only once?  Should I just cut out the older growth?



George, there is a registered complex hybrid dendrobium named Banana Royal.  This hybrid consists principally of the Australian species canaliculatum.  It will bloom from new growths but that does not diminish the importance of old canes that play an important role in new growth.  Old growths contain the "eyes" from which new growth originates so the old growths should not be cut. The side shoots are called keikis and when they develop roots may be removed and potted up separately.  

Walter Upton, who has written the definitive work "Dendrobium Orchids of Australia", suggested the following: " Mid-July to October just a little water to keep the pseudobulbous stems from shriveling too much....  By the time the buds are ready to open, watering should have been increased to about every fourth day.... If grown in a pot, a very open mix is necessary and as small a pot as possible"

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