my plant with new leav
Dear Mr. King:
Thank you for helping us with our plants. I have a Phalaenopsis and would like to know if I can "cut" a stem or a leaf or a root and grow a second plant. Can this be done?
Best regards,
asya from Turkey
AnswerThank you for your question and the picure Asya. On the one hand, you cannot propogate phalaenopsis orchids from a stem or leaf cutting as you might with some other plants (this is possible for orchids but the process called meristemming involves some expensive laboratory equipment and processing). On the other hand, you have two keikis growing on the mother plant's old flower spike. A keiki is a vegetative copy of the mother plant produced at a node (joint) of the old flower spike or flower spike branch. Since the keikis already have well developed roots and leaves, you may remove them and pot them up as separate plants. Make your cut where the keiki joins the flower spike, being careful not to damage the roots or leaves of the keiki. Before potting up, once you have separated the keiki from the mother plant, soak it well until its root(s) are green, This will allow the root a bit more flexibility when potting so it has less of a tendency to break during repotting.