I just received my first orchid as a birthday gift. The tag says shooting star black gold, but there are no care instructions. I would appreciate any advice on how to care for this orchid. It was in bloom when I received it around three weeks ago, but now all the flowers have dropped off. Am I supposed to cut off the stem the flowers were on? I have it near, but not in, a south facing window and have watered it once per week. I live in north Florida, but it has been unseasonable cold. Also, the orchid came in a perforated ceramic pot about four inches square. Will it need a larger pot, or is this normal size for an orchid? Is there a certain time of year it is better to re-pot?
Thanks again for any guidance.
AnswerTeresa, the proper name of your plant is likely Brassidium Shooting Star 'Black Gold'. The name Brassidium is called the intergeneric name and tells us that it is a cross between an Oncidium and a Brassia-- both of which are warm growers. This plant should grow well for you in Florida. It likes a lot of sun, warmth, and fresh air. You can grow it in the south window until it warms up. Then, you may move its pot outside as long as the night temperature stays above 50 degrees. Grow it in a semishaded location both inside and out. When growing it outside, you can gradaully expose it to more sunlight as it adapts to higher light levels. The time to repot is when you see new growth coming. You may cut off the old flower spikes as it will not rebloom on them.
Many newly acqired orchid plants are in potting mixes that are inapproprite for long term survival so I would recommend that you repot as soon as you see new growth. Use a pot with lots of drainage holes and slightly larger in diameter than the one it is in-- to provide more room for new root growth.