QuestionI bought a Paph.wardii about a month ago. There is no big problem since I have bought a Paph.bellatulum. I have never seen them flowering but I have seen their flowers in books. Their leaves and shape looks really the same. So, if you don't mind, I want to see the full pictures of these two plants so that I can identify them without difficulty.
Thanks a lot,
AnswerFrancis, I'm sure that you can locate pictures by googling the species name. One site that I use quite often is http://orchid It has a comprehensive coverage of most orchid species, including pictures of most and a decription of where they grow naturally and cultral conditions. This site, operated by Jay Pfhal, is constantly being updated with new species, new pictures, and new descriptions. Some species are difficult to distinguish based upon leaf appearance only. The leaf on Paph bellatulum is generally more rigid and less floppy than on the paph wardii. As you are aware, the flowers on these two species are very different.