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Placement and care of new Phalaenopsis

Hello Jim,

I was given a beautiful bright pink phalaenopsis for Christmas. I have never owned an orchid before so I am looking for info about where to place it in my home and how to best care for it.

Want to keep in bathroom where
    * has skylight
    * receives humidity from showers
    * temp. ranges from about 50 at night to 65 during the
      day in winter and into the 90's in summer
    * only heater is propane wall heater in hallway

Will it do well in the bathroom?
I also have a question about water. We live in a rural area of Morgan Hill, CA and have a private well. The water is not suitable for drinking and it's mineral, etc. contents vary throughout the year. We currently use Crystal Geyser for drinking and cooking and have a Pur vertical 3 stage faucet filter for washing dishes. Should I use bottled water? Any recommended water additives?

Thank you for your advice and guidance with my new little pink beauty.


Hello Michelle,

Thanks for providing the information about where you want to grow it along with the prevailing conditions, that helps a lot in trying to tell you what to do.  

The bathroom is one of the better places to grow phalaenopsis but I'm afraid it is not in yours because of the low 50F at night and the propane heater.  Most phalaenopsis do not like temperatures below 60F although they can tolerate down to 50F but it may not be very happy about it and slowly decline in health.  Most propane heaters are not real efficient burning and any unburnt gas can damage the flowers and the plant could be sensitive to the gas.  

As for water, I would suggest using water from the kitchen water filter.  Using untreated well water with all the minerals, etc. it contains can affect the roots causing them to slowly die and rot.  Not sure what area of Morgan Hill you live but it sounds like you might live in an area affected by contamination from the Olin factory years ago.  

Water it when the potting mix becomes barely moist, do not water when it is still fairly wet or moist as that can cause root rot.  Feed it a dilute mix (about 1/4 the recommended amount) of an balance type orchid fertilizer.  If possible, temperatures between 60F to 85F with some light air movement around it.  A south or east window in mostly bright shade is best.  Humidity above 50% is ideal but a minimum 35% is marginally acceptable.  

By the way, I grew up around Morgan Hill way back when it was a sleepy little town of less than 1,000 population.  It really has grown in the almost 50 years since I moved to San Jose.  Oh no!  Speaking of 50 years, I am looking forward to attending the 50th Reunion of the Live Oak Class of 1958 in summer 2008.  Back then it was much closer to downtown, I believe it is now a Middle School.  A lot has changed!  

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