QuestionI bought a Phalaenopsis last year in bloom. It stayed in bloom for 5 months, then I cut the spike. A new leaf grew but on the last 2 leaves appeared a lot of very little bumps which are not scales. Now the plant is blooming again, but the flower that first opened is colored strangely, with abnormal spots of color.
Is it a virus or I can do something to keep the plant?
AnswerHello Lumi,
While I can't be sure, but from your description of the abnormal flower, it does sound like it might be virused. If it is virus, there is nothing that can be done to make it well. Sorry. You might think about trashing it.
If it is the only orchid plant you have, you can try keeping it and see if next years flowers have the same problem. If it does, that is definitely the time to put it in the trash.
In either case, thoroughly clean and disinfect the area you had been growing it to prevent possibly infecting the next orchid you buy and try to grow in the same place.
Wish I could have been more encouraging.
Jim Kawasaki
San Jose, Ca.