QuestionI posted the following in the general question area beforeI found
your site. I appreciate any insights you can provide.
Despite the plethora of data on orchids, I'm still having difficulty
"typing" a couple of my orchid plants. Unfortunately, virtually all
the visual references to orchids focus on the flowers, often to
the exclusion of the stems and leaves. The thing that seems to
distinguish these two plants is more in the basic plant and less
in the flower. Can anyone point me to a source?
AnswerHello Dick,
To my knowledge, books that show orchid foliage are few and far between. Most concentrate on what the flowers look like but once in a while you might see some foliage in the background, that's about it.
There are two relatively inexpensive books on orchids that you might look around for, they are by Ortho and Sunset books on Orchids. While they have mostly flower photos they do have some of the entire plant(s). Unfortunately, they discuss and show the more commonly grown orchids so if you are looking for foliage photos of some that are not quite so common, you may be disappointed.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Jim Kawasaki
San Jose, Ca.