QuestionI bought 2 Foxglove plants at Lowes. They looked beautiful for a month. Now the leaves are turning brown and the other leaves look pale green and slightly limp.
Also, the beautiful flower stems flop over.
Thanks for your help!
AnswerHi Dale,
Thanx for your question. Most foxgloves are biennial or at best, short-lived perennials. Generally, a foxglove spends the first year (from seed) producing foliage for gathering energy from the sun for next year's blooming and seed production. The second year, the plant sends up the blossoming spike. At that point, the plant has reached full maturity and dies. Sometimes, it will produce sideshoots that will allow the plant to continue on. You can add to a foxglove's life by cutting off the bloom spike as soon as the blossoms start to fade. Sometimes, this will encourage the plant to rebloom and to produce side shoots what will bloom next year. I hope this helps.