QuestionI have 2 Russian sage plants that are 2-3 years old and have been very healthy until about a month ago. I stated noticing dead leaves and branches. I pruned the branches out but they still appear to be dying. I also tried putting seven dust on them. What should I do or not do to help these plants?
AnswerHi Donna,
Thanx for your question. First, make sure the plant is well-draining and water or dampness is not sitting at or near the roots. This plant loves dry conditions and will susceptible to root rot if overly exposed to water. There are no known pests or diseases. Sometimes, as plants like this age, the central core of the plant will begin to die as newer growth becomes more mature on the outside or the main plant. If you find this to be true, you can dig up the root ball in the fall, cut out the dead core and divide the plant into pieces. This is a good rejuvenating practice and helps keep the plant looking tidy. Usually, this will occur once every couple years. I hope this helps.