My 4 o'clock a
The base of the plant
My 4 o'clock grew from a fairly large tuber I stored from last year. The plant has grown about 3 feet tall and bushed out around 4 feet in diameter. There are multiple stalks growing out from the base and hundreds of blooms. The wieght of the plant is causing the stalks to lay toward the ground. I have proped the stalks up to support the wieght. I would like to know what I should do to correct this, the leaves are drooping and some of the seed pods are dying before they fully develop. Can I divide the tuber and the current stalks and such survive? Or will they dye and have to grow back in? Please help, my other plants are anywhere from 3 1/2 to 4 foot tall with only 2 stalks and less bushy. I don't know what to do with the other one and I don't want it to die.
AnswerHi Jessica,
Thanx for your question. The pictures you sent (which were very helpful, thank you!) indicate healthy 4 O'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa). I wouldn't touch them. I would continue to water them once a week if you're not having regular rain. I wouldn't try to dig them up and divide them right now. You may do more damage than good. If the plant continues to wither and die, you may have a mole or underground parasite feeding on the tuber. There is not much else I can advise you at this time. It is common for some of the seed pods not to ripen but instead dry up and fall off. Withering leaves indicate a lack of moisture, intense afternoon heat or, as I mentioned before, an underground pest or even rot. It's unusual for four o'clocks to be bothered by pests. I would also save seed. The plant is easily propagated from seed. All you have to do is plant it. Some say to soak in water or even chill for a week. Don't bother with any of that nonsense. The seeds germinate readily at 75篎 after 7-10 days. In zones 7-9, a the tuber will overwinter and result in new growth the next year. Zones 5 and 6, it is a self-seeding annual. In zones 10-11, it is a small, perennial shrub. Originally, the plant hails from Mexico but has become common in the U.S. You can divide the tuber, which I wouldn't bother with unless it is gigantic. Cut it up like you would a potato. The tuber will resemble a carrot and have "eyes" on it like a potato. You can also store the tuber as you did, in a dry, dark, cool basement. Do not wrap the tuber in plastic. It must be allowed to breathe or it will develop rot. I hope this helps.