Tolleson's Weeping Jun
QUESTION: Hello Tom: I have had this Tolleson's Weeping Juniper for about 8 years in Phoenix, Arizona. The tree is watered regularly on a drip irrigation system and it is in full sun. The problem with the tree is that it has not grown at all since it was planted 8 years ago (it looks healthy otherwise). I would greatly appreciate your ideas as to why it is not growing. Thank you.
ANSWER: Hi Alicia,
Thanx for your question. Have you fertilized the tree? Looks to me like it is growing in a container. It is easy for rain and snow (probably no snow in Phoenix ;o)) to leach out nutrients from containers. Amend the soil with some well-composted manure and then feed with a general purpose fertilizer in the spring (12-12-12). You should be able to find a general purpose fertilizer easily at your local nursery or DIY. Growth is moderate on these plants so don't expect quick and lush growth in a short amount of time.
I hope this helps.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. However, this tree is planted in the ground, not in a pot. I did give it some fertilizer with manure in it today. Thank you. Alicia
AnswerHi Alicia,
In the picture, it looked like the shrub was growing in a bricked in area next to the house. I perceived that to be a type of planter. Anyway, if the shrub is free-growing, just add new fertilizer at each spring, or, simply use healthy piles of well-composted manure for the same result. I hope this helps.