QuestionI have a weed that looks like a grass and the seeds are many little balls that are about the size of a small pea and are covered with spikes that are very sharp and stiff. I live in Southern CA and weed goes to seed in the fall. After I return from the summer in WA. Is there anything I can put around the shrubs that will stop the weeds before they get started? My hedge consists of Carolina Cherry and Bottle Brush.
AnswerHi Ginger,
Thanx for your question. I'm not sure what the weed is but I frequently have trouble with bindweed which will grow so close to my favorite plants that it seemed impossible to irradicate. But it can be done. Wearing gloves, take Roundup (this will upset some but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...just use in moderation...)and put it in a container like a cottage cheese or oleo container. Using a paint brush, apply it to the leaves and stem of the plants you want to eradicate. I know this is tedious but it will get the job done without harming the plants you want to keep. Another thing you can do is cover the shrubs with plastic so there is no danger of the Roundup getting on them and then spray the heck out of the hated weeds. I hope this helps.