Questionfor the last two years i have planted my calli lilys in the same place and i even moved a couple but they are not blooming all i get is pretty leaves i need help to found out what im doing wrong so would someone please help me thank you vickie p
AnswerHi Vickie,
Thanx for your question. The two most common reasons for lush foliage and lack of blooms are:
1. Too much nitrogen. What type of fertilizer (if any) are you using? Use a fertilizer higher in phosphorus and potassium or the nitrogen will have you getting nothing but green. Also, make sure lawn chemicals are not leaching into the flower bed because lawn fertilizers are very high in Nitrogen.
2. Too much shade. Too much shade will slow down even stop blooming unless you live in a place that has really hot summers. I've grown calla lilies in the shade but our summers have temps from the 90s-100s F.
I hope this helps.