QuestionQUESTION: I am looking to make one side of our house look attractive with flowers that will bloom from May - August. I need something that is a perennial with a strong smell (I am trying to drown out my neighbors compost smell) I get full morning and mid- morning sun. I would like something that is easy to maintain as I do not have a lot of time to fuss with it. Any suggestions? Something that attracts butterflies maybe?
ANSWER: Hi Tracy,
Thanx for your question. In order to answer you as effectively as possible, may I ask in what general location you are?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Sorry about that, I live in Northern Virginia.
AnswerHi Tracy,
Thanx for your question. Start with spring bulbs to include hyacinths which have an enchanting scent. Lilac shrubs can help with their late spring scent also. Use Asiatic and oriental lilies for late spring, early summer color. Purple coneflower, butterfly bush, coreposis, hollyhocks, butterfly weed, achillea and irises for flowering into mid-summer. Old fashioned roses are wonderful for their light scents, easy care and easy growth. You don't have to mess much with them, they bloom all summer long and many have nice tea-scents. In the fall, use chrysanthemums, asters and sedums. I hope this helps.