Questioni live in Austin Texas and currently renting, i bought a plumeria at a nursery it is still vary small, i don't want to plant it in ground because i might be moving within the next year,how do i go about potting it?
AnswerHi Lucia,
Thanx for your question. Having lived in Hawaii for a couple of years, I'm quite familiar with the plumeria. I've even grown some in pots here in Kansas City. They are easy to grow in pots and will even bloom for you after a few years. I'd use a large pot, say 10 inches in diameter and about 10 inches deep. Use rich potting soil and place the roots in deep enough where they aren't all the way down at the bottom of the pot and only a couple inches of stem are buried in the soil. This plant will tolerate drought but it is best to keep it well watered, but well drained. It loves sunlight. In the winter, even in Austin, keep it where it won't freeze and where it will have an eastern or southern exposure. I hope this helps.