QuestionOn a radio talk show I just caught the end where they were recommending (over the top two) to control and kill grass in perennial beds.
Any Idea who makes this product, where to purchase it, and most importantly does it work
AnswerHi Jim,
Thanx for your question. Fluazifop-p-butyl is a selective herbicide for control of grass or Fertilome Over-The-Top Grass and Weed Killer. Ortho's Grass-Be-Gone is another brand of selective herbicides with fluazifop that can be safely used in perennial flower beds without causing harm to neighboring annuals/perenials. It kills grasses. It may take more than one application 7-10 days apart and then maybe another at 14 days to completely kill grass in existing flower beds. Look for the active ingredients listed as fluazifop without glysophate or dicamba. I hope this helps. Bear in mind it can take many weeks to months for these types of poisons to leach out of the soil.