QuestionQUESTION: Want to landscape back yard with perennial drought tolerant plants. Would like a list and description if possible. Zone 10.
ANSWER: Hi Peggy,
Thanx for your question. In order to appriately answer, what is your location?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I live in Seal Beach, CA.
AnswerHi Peggy,
Thanx for the additional information. Here's a partial list. I've also included a reference to the California Cooperative Extension Service for Orange County which I think you will find to be a fountain of information specific to your area. I hope this helps and please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.
Lantana, purple sage, red yucca, achillea, aloe, lemon bottlebrush, cassia, pampas grass, coreopsis, tritoma, lavender, oleander, bird-of-paradise, matilija poppy (romneya), bush germander, agave, artemesia, iceplant, centaurea, dusty Miller, yucca, Bougainvillea, cacti, cape honeysuckle, wisteria, rosemary, santolina, olive. One thing I always like to do is go to a really well-stocked nursery. They will usually have a section for xerescaping. This is very common in Southern California and Arizona. I visit my cousin who lives near Palm Springs quite a bit and I've noticed the xerescaping themes. Now, I know Palm Springs' climate is way different from Seal Beach but you still have the dryness. I hope this helps.