QuestionI wanted to know what kind of perennals that can be planted in a shady area in the front of my house. I have impatience now but some of ny neighbors are copying my landscaping ideas and i would like to find something different to plant for next spring any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Even though these plants say they are for only sunny areas-I have had good luck with these in shadier areas.
Not even a question about the spring flowering:
Partial sun and shade-Spring:
Grape hyacinth
Coral Bells-green leafed , red leafed, bronze leafed
mints-keep cut to a manageable area
Lilies of the Valley-these will spread-start out sparingly
Elephant ears-green or black-these are HUGE and need to be
dug out for winter and stored properly.
Caladium-Very colorful and need to be dug out for
winter and stored properly.
And on into summer flowering:
Coral Bells-red leafed
hosta-and they do flower! there are now 228 different
varieties--Magnificent!! Look on web for varieties.
Lady's Mantle
Mountain bluebells
Summer phlox (the tall ones)
Bee balm (spreads wildly)
Purple sage
You may want to go to your library or book store for books on shade gardening.
Go get your hands dirty!!