QuestionQUESTION: Hi, Eric: I would like to know how to reproduce firepower. I planted them on either side of my driveway.
ANSWER: Hi aaron
First things first, you need to make sure that your nandina does not have a patent on it. Most of the time thes types of plants do and you don't really want to reproduce a patented plant. It's just like if you were gonna copy's in the same principle..........let me know and then we'll go from the ok
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I never heard of a patent on a plant. How can I know if a plant carries a patent? Learning new things feels good.
Thank you, Eric.
AnswerHey Aaron,
Hows it going......ok Here is a site for you to check's called when you get there scroll to the bottom and click the f.a.q and then click on the asexual plant reproduction part, it will answer your question......because if I'm not mistaken I do believe your firepower is asexually reproduced,,(though I could be wrong) which I have been from time to time lol........
Hope it helps