Questioncan you grow peonies from the pods of the flower after it has bloomed
AnswerHi Ron,
Thanx for your question. I have had no luck finding seeds on the spent pods of my peonies however, I do know that some peonies will set seed. The seeds I have seen are black and pea-shaped. Mostly, these come from native Chinese varieties. If you are lucky to get seeds, they will need to be cold treated for 60-90 days in order to break dormancy. Place the seeds in a moist paper towel and seal inside a plastic baggie and store in the fridge.
The best way to grow more peonies is to dig up the rhizomes and separate the growing points. You'll get results quicker. Seed-grown peonies could take 5 years or more for bloom. Rhizomes will require 1-2 years (sometimes three if the peony gets really ticked off at you for disturbing it. They do not like their roots disturbed.). I hope this helps.