Questionmy son gave me a hydrangea for easter but now it look like it is dying because the flowers are faded zone 9
AnswerYour fading Hydrangea is fine -- it just needs a rest. Your Zone 9 climate is perfect for growing the more tender florist Hydrangeas.
Do you know how to repot this plant? Find a pot -- preferably Terra Cotta -- one size larger than the pot it's been growing in, and fill with good, healthy potting soil, enriched with compost.
Now get a large empty juice container, preferably plastic, NOT one that has ever been used to hold milk or other fatty beverage. Fill that container with water, and add a teaspoon of White or Cider vinegar. Mix well.
This is a perfect ready to use highly acidic watering solution for watering your Hydrangea. Keeping the soil acidic will ensure that next year's blooms will still be blue.
A dose of Nitrogen fertilizer would also be appreciated by the leaves; Phosphorous would be used by Roots.
Good luck with your plant. Any questions, I'm here.