QuestionMy stellas have already bloomed this season, and now have a nickel sized ball at the top of the each stem. A friend told me to remove this (stalk and all), and the lily would bloom again this year. &nb
QuestionQUESTION: My brother has three azaleas that I want to locate its name to purchase him another one which died. The bush blooms three distinct blossoms on one bush - bright pink, pink and white, and whit
Question full plant view My mom has had this plant for about 10 years and we still havent been able to find a name for it. It flowers during the spring and then produces two pod-looking seeds in a bright pink.
QuestionIve started alot of moonflowers from seeds. there growing very good, there all in pots for now, but having a huge problem with yellowing leaves. I know they are not drought tollerent so maybe Im over w
Question "Lilium lancifolium" Greetings, Seven years ago we moved residence and I took one Tiger Lilly with me. Now I have four hearty plants each measuring five feet tall. This year I have
Question Mystery Flower Attached are pictures of a colorful plant. Its leaves are swordlike in clusters like an iris but its flowers are puzzling. The flowers alternate from a single stem. When viewed from abo
QuestionWhat is it? QUESTION: Hello Tom, Im attaching pictures. The plant is about 8 ft tall and growing. Large fuzzy stem and two leaf stems coming out one on top of the other. The bo
1. Lenten Rose (christmas plant) 2. What is a good winter perennial for around a fountain pond
QuestionHi, Live in Ft. Worth and love my garden. How can I get my Lenten rose plants to grow and spread? About 5 years ago I planted 5 qt size lenten rose plants in a shady area. They have grown very sl
QuestionHello--I live in the Austin Texas area and have lived in other hot areas of the country. Ive always had lantana and its always bloomed profusely. My lantana have lush foliage but it doesnt bloom. Everybody e
QuestionQUESTION: I live in College Station, TX and have 4 Solanum jasminoides - Potato Vines. They are not growing and the leaves seem to be curled up. What can I use to put some life into them. They just sit there
winterizing a raised flowerbed
QuestionQUESTION: What is the best way to winterize my perennials in a raised flowerbed? It is 30 high with lilies , daisies and other perennials. ANSWER: Hi Vickie, Thanx for your question. Where are y
Hyalophora cecropia caterpillar
QuestionWe have a few of these eating in our cemetery at Kimeo, Greenleaf.Kansas. They have striped some plants.Is there a control or what should we do. Thanks Duane Klozenbucher AnswerHi Duane, Thanx for your ques
QuestionMY coneflowers are about 20 years old they look terrible this year in St Louis, MO. They are dull pink,small sometimes I get cone and no petals. I planted black eyeed susan in same bed t hey are taking over.
Fuschia / Hydrangea Disease - Help!
QuestionA couple of years ago my mother noticed that, come the new season and new growth, her fuschias started to shrivel on the central core of the plant %26 not flower. The same symptoms have now appeared on
QuestionMy stellas are very very healthy. The flowers came and were gorgeous!! My question is that after most of the flowers bloom--they get these big green pod like things on them. Do flowers agai
QuestionWhat are good conditions for planting acalypha curly green i just bought. Space for width, height, sun, watering, fertilizing, pests etc. Thanks AnswerHi Dawne, Thanx for your question. Acalypha wilke
QuestionWhat is the root system like on these plants? I planted mine next to a pool and was wondering if there would be a danger of the roots damaging it. AnswerHi Jon, Thanx for your question. Hibiscus syria
Question flower? This spring I had this plant come up in 4 different places in my flower beds. I have no idea what it is and the place where it is growing-I would not have planted it there! One plant is
QuestionI read your answer to a question someone posted about starting Stella Doro from seed. I would like to know this: you said you have to keep them in a fridge, then plant in a pot & then put outside after
Question Mysterious Moonflower I was given 2 of these plants and was told it was a moonflower. the one bloomed and we missed it. Tonight at 9:17 the second one bloomed in front of me while I was doing the dishes. to
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