Smothering grass/planting ground covering
QuestionHi, Sijka, Ive been reading over the Internet that I can create an area for planting in an area where grass (or grass and weeds I should say) is currently growing by laying wet newspaper (about 12 sheets th
QuestionMy wife and daughter have a mutual love for Lilly of the valley and both look forward to their short and early Spring blooming. As such my wife would love to have them available at various times of the year.
QuestionWe have a center garden area that has a weed blanket down and have put small bushes (not sure what there called)around. Problem is the grass, quite thick grass, keeps popping up and is strangling out my bush
Co-workers gave me a big Calla Lilly.. HELP!
QuestionI have no clue how to care for a Calla Lilly and when I was sick my co-workers gave me a very large cream colored Calla Lilly and I am afraid I will kill it! I do not know if I should put the plant outside w
Questionhi I live in Sonoma and have the same prolems with mine. Holes, poor blooms, etc.. any luck? Thanks AnswerHi Robert, Thanx for your question. It sounds like your datura is the victim of a pest. &nbs
QuestionI am moving from NorthEast Texas to Southern Maine sometime over the next few months and I would like to take some of my plants with me; however, my timing couldnt be worse. I have bearded Irises (whic
QuestionI purchased a flat of small lavendar plants for color and fragrance in my garden, however, I know nothing about lavendar!! Plants were 2 when planted..its now 5 weeks later and they have not quite doub
QuestionWE purchased a butterfly bush in a planter. We would like to plant it in the ground. We are concerned about winterizing it. What help can you provide in this area. We live in south new jersy near atlantic ci
QuestionI live in the Philadelphia, Pa.area A neighbor gave me some Sedum plants,but when i planted them, the stems are limp & lay on the ground. Can these be brought back to a healthy Sedum ? AnswerHi Desgnr, Than
QuestionQUESTION: Hi there - Im in Ottawa, Canada, USDA zone 4b. Last fall I received a healthy hibiscus tree (not the perennial kind) that had been outdoors planted directly in the garden for the summer. &nbs
QuestionHi Tom: I recently purchased my first potted Hybiscus tree and dont know much about care. I have read some of your readers questions and your answers to them which have taught me a few thin
QuestionI live in Tucson AZ and would like to know how to care for a dwarf Alstroemeria and further can it survive our summers planted in the ground. AnswerHi Carlo, Thanx for your question. I believe Tucson
My Clematis hasnt bloomed again
QuestionI am a real beginner and I have several issues for several different plants, because as usual for me I never seem to have learned the lesson of start small. *grin* However, I will focus on one ri
QuestionHello, Do you know how to remove clover from a periwinkle bed without killing the periwinkle? I tried weeding but the clover is growing faster than I can remove it and I cant get the roots without pulling ou
Questionwhy dont some of my yucca plants bloom every year AnswerHi Rhonda, Thanx for your question. I think it depends upon the species of yucca. Some do not bloom every year. If you live in an ar
QuestionI have found what I have been told is a gall type fungus on my Azalea plants,what is the remedy for this, Thank you for your time Barry Gardner. PS I live in Williamsburg VA AnswerHi Barry, Thanx for your q
QuestionI have many flowers and they are not all perennials some are annuals, and I am very confused on how and which ones I am supposed to dead head. This is my very first time planting flowers and I am not so sure
QuestionCan I divide a clump of peonies? If so when and how. AnswerI dont know how long ago you planted your Peonies but new Peonies take a year or two to bloom. Subsequent seasons should give increasin
Please help-what should i do!!!!
QuestionI gotmy first beautiful pink calla lilly tall and gorgeous-we have had a lot of rain recently but all the sudden i noticed i have at the bottom of one side is all mushy and the leaves and flowers are just fa
Perennial drought tolerant plants
QuestionQUESTION: Want to landscape back yard with perennial drought tolerant plants. Would like a list and description if possible. Zone 10. ANSWER: Hi Peggy, Thanx for your question. In order to appriately
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