Im having an issue with my red pierre de ronsard climbing rose. It grows well and has healthy leaves and stems yet the buds grow to a certain point and then brown and die off, it initially done it in spring which i put down to the hot wind and now its done it again with its second flush of flowers and we are still having 44 degree celcius temps with a hot wind. Im not sure whether its the heat or some other issue.
ANSWER: More like the heat
Make sure you are not over watering
Also reduce nitrogen and increase trace minerals.
You dont say where you live but i take it is warm there?
I would spray with a milk solution to increase calcium. 1 cup milk quart water.
Do once a week, water less but longer.
Use a drip.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thankyou,
I live in rural NSW Australia, i water it once a week ( if i remember ) with the hose on slowly for about half hour. The rose is espaliered with each cane well over 2 metres long, i have heavy red clay soil here as well do you think that may be an issue? If so what would u suggest to fix the soil around the established roots?
You don't say what you are feeding your roses.
That is a mineral deficiency
Usually trace minerals esp calcium.
Clay soil would make it worse.
Try adding
Rock dust
Compost and a acid mulch.
Spray with 1 cup milk in quart water.
Use a good organic rose fertilizer and avoid high nitrogen
Allow the soil to dry in between waterings