QUESTION: I just submitted a question, asking for assistance on the identity of two different rose bushes. Here is a phot of the Illinois rose bush with the "Juicy Fruit" fragrance. It has pink to apricot blooms with a blend of yellow. Thanks for your help.
ANSWER: Hi Chris,
My first reaction to your photo is: 'Talisman'. The yellow should show more on the inside of the petals. It is an older rose but a good one none the less.
Is your rose you saw in Dublin a climber?
Please let me know and I can get back with you on that one.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The Dublin rose was not a climber. It was a bush. Probably about 4 feet tall.
AnswerHi Chris,
Even though it was a bush. I am going to say it was Compassion. It is classified as a climber but it can be a shrub to 5 feet in height.
Go to the link below- click plant search and type Compassion- click 'large flowred climber'- click photos. There are color variations but you will see one matches that your picture#
We saw it in Northern Ireland and it is a great rose.