QuestionI have a beautiful double knockout red rose hedge.
12 bushes in all. Someone admired them so much they
Hacked off a 4th of the bush closest to the road. It
was cut with dirty shears.(strait cuts)but out of the
middle of the bush. All (cut) stems and leaves are dieing
to the rootbulb it looks like its spreading. What can I do ??
I raised these Beauty's from pups . I love em. plz help.
AnswerCutting a rose severely at this time of year puts it into stress. The roots simply shut down so the leaves and canes don;t get any nutrients. Hacking off growth won't kill them, only sets them back a few months. If the weather is hot then that is what is causing the cut areas to die back. Just make sure the plants are well watered so that they are always in damp , but not soaking wet, soil. There is no use giving them fertilizer as the roots won't take it up until they start to come back and that will probably be later in the fall when temperatures are cool during the day. Rest assured that they will bounce back next year. In the spring prune them so that they are a nice shape. Don't be concerned if you have to cut them way back, they will grow into a bush from 2 inches of canes. Fertilized them , preferably with a liquid type fertilizer as the rose can take it up quicker and easier. Knock Out roses are tough and they will grow back again.