QuestionQUESTION: Hello! The rose bushes are doing fine except that I forgot to dead head. Many shoots have gone to seed. Should I prune them back now? down to the groups of 5 leaves? Thanks
ANSWER: You don't have to prune back to five leaves anymore as it has been proven to be a myth. Just snap the flowers off with your fingers or cut them off down to the next set of leaves. Both ways will encourage new growth and then flowers to come.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Well I've been out of town hosting my daughters wedding. The rose bushes are not ok after all! From the windows they looked good but when I went out to deadhead they are covered in black spots. Some branches are even brown and have no leaves at all. The black spots may have even gone to the hydrangea bush next to the roses! Help!
AnswerThere is a very common rose disease called Black Spot and it is a fungus. You can keep it under control with fungicide sprays such as Ortho's Rosepride line as well as any other rose spray specifically for Black Spot. I would also cut back any of the brown branches and this will encourage new and healthy growth. Black Spot is a disease that is only on roses so the hydrangeas have got another type of fungal infection. But I would still also give them a spray with whatever you get for the roses. Cutting roses back is a good idea to get rid of poor or frail growth in the summer.