QuestionHi! I live in Bedford PA zone 6. We had enough warm weather for the ground to thaw, so I prunned my 3 year old roses back to about 2 foot, (they have leaf buds beginning to swell) and transplanted them to my back yard ( they weren't getting enough sun out front) Weather is calling for 20's next week for nighttime lows. Should I cover with plastic? black or clear? or cover with something else. I planted them a little deeper, and mounded the soil. what else can I do?
AnswerYou have done everything right. Mounded the soil is the best thing to do to protect your roses. Roses won't mind a short time of very cold weather. What they don't like, and will get damaged by, is three days of solid very cold weather. Don't cover them as this will create a mini greenhouse and will make it warmer than the outside cold. This could encourage more new growth which will get damaged.