Yellow Rose
I have been trying to find a replacement yellow tea rose for the one that died in my flower bed last season. It was an old yellow tea rose and very prolific. It pushed blooms out all season until frost. I have spoken with Jackson and Perkins, but still can't completely identify it. I have pictures and figured I can send them around maybe someone can, or at least I can find a close replacement. Any help would be appreciated.
AnswerEvery year almost 300 roses are introduced all over the world so to identify would almost be impossible. Here are some ways to make it easier. The photo looks more like a hybrid tea. Is this what it was?
When did you purchase the rose and check to see what yellow tea roses were popular that year.
Check with nurseries in your area to see what they sell in regards to yellow teas.
Find photos on the net of all the yellow tea roses
I am only guessing if this will survive in your area as I don't know where you garden but Yellow Maman Cochet is one of the best yellow tea roses and Vintage Roses carries it in the States.
If it was a hybrid tea instead of a tea rose, then please get in touch with me again.