I recently planted a knock out rose shrub 4 weeks ago and it looks like I have killed it. I followed the planting steps and also added bayer rose and flower care granules. I watered the shrub every other day and it is in a location that gets 6+ hours of sun. Have I killed it or is there any hope for the shrub? It still has some roses but they are wilting quickly. Thanks for your help.
AnswerI know the advertising about Knock Out roses says that they are tough roses but from all the questions I am getting, it is becoming clear that they do not like certain chemicals and will re-act to them. Bayer seems to be the worst culprit. The fertilizer you used is what they call a systemic and has an insecticide built in so when the plant takes up nutrients or water, this chemical goes along with it. In my opinion your roses have re-acted to this type of fertilizer. Roses hate to be moved even from one atmosphere to another. Usually it is not a good idea to give a newly planted rose anything until it has got over the stress of being moved from one place to different location. That usually is after the first bloom, Then it is a good idea to give it some sort of rose fertilizer. I would cut the rose back a little so the roots don't have to support a lot of growth. Then I would water the life out of it to see if you can get rid of some of the fertilizer. It may not perk up until later in the season but I don't think it will die, just look sad.