QuestionI live near Chicago. My DKOR leafs are being eaten by small green caterpillars about 1/2" long and the circumference of a toothpick who leave holes in the leafs. The caterpillars are on the underside of the leafs. I have sprayed the bushes 3 times and it seems to be keeping them in check. This appears mostly at the base of the bush. Could they have come from the mulch? Any other suggestions. They are blooming fine and look great except for the holes in the leafs.
AnswerAfter the caterpillars have finished eating they then drop to the ground around the base of the rose bush. Then they come out again and eat. If you are using a spray don't forget to spray around the bas of the rose too to make sure you get all the caterpillars. The rose will put out new leaves and look better in a couple of weeks.