Questionbought this rose about 2 months ago,i am in z.5, #1 i planted it where the sun really doesnt shine quite long enough,#2 it bloomed great then got blk. spot awful, we have had a lot of rain and really sporadicl temps. i would like to move it to a spot with more sun, considering i just planted it a few mo. ago when would be the best time to do this? also i have been spraying it with Immunex
AnswerThe best time to transplant a rose is always when thy are dormant and then you will have no problems. So if you have very cold winters transplant in the early spring but if the winter is reasonable warm, then do it in the late fall. Outta The Blue will need sunshine to bring out the unique colouring so anywhere the rose can get about 8 hours of full sun will be perfect for it. The rose has got black spot because it is under stress and not growing well due to the fact there isn't enough sun. When you transplant it the rose will do much better and you probably won't need the Immunex.