mom's rose
QUESTION: This is a picture of a rose as it grew in my mother's yard. She got it in the 1950's or early '60's. She always called it a seven sisters rose. It does always blooms seven blooms in a group. My mother has since passed away and the rose was dozed away before I could get a start from it. It broke my heart. Now I am having a very hard time finding it's proper name. Can you help me?
ANSWER: There is a rose called Seven Sisters. It has small double flowers which start out carmine and then fade to pale pink. The reason for the name is that it can have a branch with seven different shades of pink. If that is the name of the rose, then Hortico Nursery in Canada carries the rose and ships to the States.
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QUESTION: I have an elderly neighbor who says she has a seven sisters but is pink. I haven't seen it yet, but is it likely the same rose? She has had hers a long time too.What Im's asking is can a seven sisters vary from red to favoring a more pink version?
AnswerSeven Sisters starts out a bright pink, then it fades to a pink then to a pale pink and finally to a blush pink. There is only one Seven Sisters rose and that is how the blooms fade. Yes, the colour could change a little but the uniqueness of this rose is that it has seven definite shades of pink on one stem.