Rose disease
QUESTION: I have a disease with my roses that I cannot figure out what it is. This is on a bush planted last year and the blooms were beautiful last year. This year, most of the buds are coming up deformed. I have attached pictures, initially, I thought they were getting eaten by bugs but I have sprayed for that and they continue. I looks as if the bud tops are getting eaten as they form. There is some white areas on them as they mature. HELP! I have more pictures but it will only allow 1.
ANSWER: I am fairly certain I know what is happening to your rose buds but I would appreciate another photo just to be sure my answer to you will be correct. Thanks.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I do not have any larger buds as I have pruned them off. I did get another picture of a more damaged bud and I noticed there are very tiny white bugs on the severely damaged bud.
AnswerRose buds developed in a routine way. If something disrupts that routine then the buds will become deformed. The insect has laid her eggs in the bud and then they hatched and started to feed which has made the bud abnormal. Because you have taken the buds off you will have solved the problem. Just keep an eye on any other buds to make sure you get rid of them too.