Questionhi like your advice on what to do about my rose plant that has gone yellow on the flowwrs and leaves,watering them also noticed small insects on them
AnswerRoses are going dormant this time of year and their leaves turn yellow when that happens. Also aphids (or white flies) are laying their eggs this time of year, for them to hatch out next spring, so getting some insecticide for next year would be good, because you will definitely have aphids in early Spring, but the flying white flies aren't harming the plant right now, so spraying would do no good, it is their hatchlings that will do damage on your plants next year and they will look like little green bugs all over that sap suck on roses. So make sure you are not over watering your roses this time of year, because they are beginning to go dormant, don't prune them until spring, mulch with Hay around the base of the plant and towards the middle of the shrub between the canes. And make sure to get that insecticide for use starting early next Spring. You can prune off the old flower heads just below the base and strip the leaves off with a rose striper once the shrub has gone completely dormant. But if your rose produces rose hips, they are very ornamental throughout the winter and the birds love to eat them. I hope this help.