Questionlast year (2004) i was invaded by jap beatles, (illinois) I had sprayed the rose itself and the leaves, yet i was consuumed by them. Almost a everyday affair? Is there sometning other than the sprays? I know they are migrating here and as the years go on they are going to get worse! thank you
AnswerHi.......those beetles are no less invasive here in the south than they are there.....i have come to dread June thru July, just because of the damage they cause.
There is a product called Merit (Rosemania)that paralizes and kills the beetle on contact/has to be sprayed everyday, but it is pretty expensive.......we go through the gardens twice a day with bowls of soapy water and "drown" them.......if your neighbors would agree to treat their property too, there is a product that you can apply in the fall (to the ground) before the larvae hatch.(but, the surrounding properties must do it also; if you are surrounded by woods(as we are) if is pretty useless.
The good news........they only last about eight weeks!? Enjoy Spring.......j.williamson