QuestionI live in Indianapolis, IN . Recently bought a beautiful climbing Blaze from (believe it or not) Walmart. Transplanted it into another much larger pot. It was doing wonderfully. Came out and found it had been knocked over and the bush dragged across the yard. Roots were very long and thick now only a few are attached and When replanted I fertilized it with miracle grow and it has not rebounded. It is still green but the leaves are starting to turn yellow. HELP what do I do to salvage this beautiful plant?
AnswerCut the rose back to about 3 feet as it now doesn't have enough roots to support the original tall growth. The feeder roots are also damaged so you will have to water it daily until new feeder roots grow and that takes around 6 weeks. Also if you could put a mulch all around the base because roses love cool roots and it will lessen the shock. The rose won't look good for some time and will drop it's leaves and droop but just keep watering and in time it will perk up . It may not however give you any new growth this year but will bounce back next spring. Hope this helps. Lynnette