QuestionQUESTION: we lost our del. apple tree due to the october storm here in wrstern n.y.. there is a new shoot coming up . will this be a tree?
Yes, the water sproutthat you see will eventually grow into a tree.
Ed Gulliksen
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: should i cut other spouts from around the tree
also i have moss growing on the soil in my garder . what is a good way to get rid of it with out killing my plants
I would recommend that you choose the biggest sprout (or sprouts to form a multi stemmed tree) and cut off the rest.
Moss grows in areas that remain moist for long periods of time. It can be easily controlled by improving air flow, which will help dry out the soil and make the environment inhospitable for moss growth. I would also recommend applying a granular lime, this will help change the PH and creating a less desirable area for moss.
Good luck,
Ed Gulliksen