QuestionEd, I have two Gardenia shrubs planted right outside my front door, (under the eaves of my house) the leaves have black (mold) and some of the leaves are yellow, what do I need to do to care for my Gardenias? I absolutely love Gardenias and would hate for these shrubs to die, because of my neglect.
I live in Venice, Florida and my plants will be one year old in May. I put some Miracle Grow potting soil around them last weekend.
Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Sharon J. Joyce
It sounds like you have either a scale problem or aphids. Both of these insects secrete a substance called honeydew, which is a sugery waste product. This honeydew creates the perfect environment for sooty mold to develop.
I would recommend trating them with Neem oil. This material will not damage the garenias like horticultural soaps and some oils.
Good luck,
Ed Gulliksen