Questionwehave a boxwood hedge about 15 years old. We keep it pruned, it is only about 2 ft. high. About 1/3 of the hedge has a rusty orange look, and the rest is a nice healthy green. We live in the Okanagan Valley, in Southern B.C. Can we save this and what do we do?
From the description of the damage, I would have to conclude that the Boxwoods are being damaged by Phytophora canker. This disease causes crown and root rot in Boxwoods, Rhododrendrons and Azeleas.
You will need to do a soil drench with a fungicide, such as Subdue Maxx, to control this disease. I would recommend going to your local garden center or nursery and look at the fungicides that they carry.
Good luck.
Ed Gulliksen