QuestionI've had a beautiful bridal wreath spira bush at my entrance but it is getting out of hand and requiring constant pruning which I can no longer do. Can you suggest any kind of bush that would fit into a space approx. 4 ft. wide and 4 ft. high. I live in a zone 6, south facing. I would love it if the bush didn't require any pruning and provided me with flowers and scent. Is there such a thing?
You can keep your plant where it is with just a little late winter pruning. Right now prune it to size you want.
In Feb remove about 1/3 of the stems, always choose the biggest ones, about 4" above the ground. Next year do the same, remove 1/3 of the biggest stems. Proceed with this pruning plan each Feb. this will control the size of your bush and maintain it in a juvenile state and produce great flowers each year.
Good luck