Live near Cleveland, Ohio. Have house facing West on a wooded lot so it is quite shady in spots and planning to use the following for the front lawn:
Dogwood/boxwood /holly (blue princes or american-preference?)/ birdsnest/rhodo roseum /japanese bloodgood maple/clump river birch/ taxus capitata / varigated turf lilly/siberian iris/stella d'oro daylilly/ajuga bronze beauty/pachysandra/weeping crab-using crab instead of cherry because was told that cherry can get infested in this area?
Please review the above and let me know your thoughts - changes?
In addition, I am looking at the following for the backyard (facing east and more shady than the front):
Miss Kim Lilac / Red Bud Tree/Coral burst crab-there will be sun at this spot and windy / azalea herbert / serviceberry/anthony waterer spirea / vernal witchhazel.
Thanks for any recommendations.
AnswerBill, I think the plant list sounds good, you have good colors, and various bloom times, things like the Miss Kim Lilac need sun, make sure its in a sunnier part of the back yard. sorry, but I am not familiar with the Holly, as it does not grow in MN, as we are zone four, Wish we could tho, as I love the look of holly. Looks like a big job, but the variety looks good. You have a good selection of plants for winter color as well, the hollies adn boxwoods, along with evergreens, you will want to make sure you have enough color in the winter as well as in the summer, I think you have accomplished this. Good Luck and happy gardening.