QuestionJim Hi, I need you help, are you familar with Chinese Sumac trees. I would like to plant some of these. Do you happen to know if these grow on long Island in the wild, I would like to propagate some or get some small trees. What information that you could give me would be appreciated
Thanks again Ken
AnswerThere is some times a problem with tree names if common names are used. I am guessing that you are talking about Ailanthus altissima Common name tree-of-heaven, tree of heaven, stink tree or Chinese sumac. There is a Chinese sumac Rhus chinensis, the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree.
Ailanthus is an introduced species from China. It was 1st imported to Pennsylvania in 1784 as an ornamental. A 2nd introduction occurred in New York in 1820, where tree-of-heaven was again planted as an ornamental. Both eastern introductions were from English stock imported from China.
I would check around the Caumsett State Park area. This park just had a program to kill this species in the park so I would think there are many trees there or near there.
I would like to tell you that this tree is listed as a least wanted by the Invasive plant folks.
Tree-of-heaven is a fast-growing tree and a prolific seeder, that can take over sites, replacing native plants and forming dense thickets. Ailanthus also produces chemicals that prevent the establishment of other plant species nearby. Its root system may be extensive and has been known to cause damage to sewers and foundations.