Cherry tree oozing
Bark Peeling
We live on Long Island, Nassau County, NY. Our cherry tree is in full bloom and is quite pretty but the bark is peeling on the trunk on both sides and it has been oozing which has solidified. Can this tree be saved or should we think about taking it out after it blooms? Thank you.
Lynn Maier
AnswerSounds like an insect called a borer. I would cut the loose bark off the wound and spray with an insecticide called Merit. Check with your local nursery for this product. Borers attack trees under stress so I would fertilize the tree with 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rate of 1 lb of fertilizer per inch of trunk diameter scattered around the tree and watered in good. Apply the fertilizer just before a rain event and you will not need to water. Fertilize now and again in the Fall. If you have good foliage the tree is not dying and should be OK.